My name is Antoon Cox. I am a part-time professor at VUB and a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at KU Leuven and King's College London, a lecturer at UC Leuven-Limburg, and a documentary maker and host at Radio Scorpio.

My most recent English CV can be downloaded from here.

My research focuses on intercultural and multilingual communication in the Emergency Department. In this context, I have collected a rich set of data through ethnographic observation and audio-recording of doctor-patient consultations in a highly multilingual inner city public hospital emergency department in Brussels. My research has been facilitated by financial support from INNOVIRIS and the Research Foundation-Flanders. Via this link you will find my publications.

More on my past activities can be found via this link.

If you are interested in any of my projects, or if you have any queries, do not hesitate to contact me at antooncox[@]

Visit my page at Researchgate - Google Scholar - Academia